Monday, December 15, 2008
Do you ever think about who you want to spend the rest of your life with? What if I could tell you that you’re DNA could tell you everything you need to know about finding that special someone. Would you do it? Are we that desperate for companionship that we need a doctor to tell us what we should look for in a spouse based on what our DNA says? Well some couples think so they did a test on three couples that have all been together over a year and only two were compatible does that mean that the third couple should split? Well taking these tests could change your love life because that third couple broke up shortly after the test but wouldn’t have if they had been genetically compatible. So unless you really want to have the chance of being non compatible with your husband or wife and just sharing the love you share steer clear of these tests. On the other hand if you are looking to find someone who's DNA is compatible to yours go for it!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Cancer is a scary thing to talk write and event think about and why shouldn’t it be scientists and doctors proved that cancer will overtake heart disease as the world's top killer by 2010, and by 2030 will be killing even more, international health experts said in a report released recently that rising tobacco use in developing countries such as China and India Where about 40% of the worlds smokers live is believed to be a huge reason for the shift and why not we need to stop letting toxins into our bodies and reduce the risk of more and more of us dying. So is better diagnosing of cancer and sooner recognition along with the downward trend in infectious diseases that used to be the world's leading killers going to be the key to reducing death rates by these causes or just leave more opportunities for other things to kill us? Cancer diagnoses have slowly but surely been rising all around the world and predictions say that it will hit 12 millon this year that is scary to think about as well as confront. But we ned to know that we are not alone we have friends and family supporting us every day and that in the end will help us overcome this horrible disease.
Many people have mixed feelings about Microsoft’s School of the Future Summit, which was really interesting in some portions but left many wanting more in others. The best part was the conversations with people outside of the session rooms. With 250 or so people from 31 countries, it was probably the most diverse situation that many have found themselves in. It was really diverse in ideas of many different cultures as well. We are all feeling the pressure to think differently about schools and teaching methods but depending on factors of circumstances and cultures this can be a hard concept to look at open minded because there were a wide variety of approaches to the shift. Many schools had technology at the finger tips of every student while some barely even touched it. It’s going to be interesting to see how this gets presented because the web offers a whole new way of learning directly from an expert rather than from an institution. Eventually technology has to be a part of the way we do our learning business these days especially with the advancing new technology it will eventually be mandatory for everyone.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
What do you think about when someone says test? Maybe questions, studying, multiple choices, advertisements? Yes you read it right Advertisements the students at Rancho Bernardo High School have become accustom to having ads posted on the bottom on every test. Why would schools decide to do this is it helping them, or is it just distracting the students from routine test taking. Sponsors pay 10$ to place an ad on a quiz, $20 for a chapter test, and $30 for a semester final so really is this just greed by the school to make money because there is no way this tactic is helping the kids become better students. But some think it is a creative way to bring to site how we shelter our youth from opportunities and decision making. But most do not think this is the right way to address it and we should go through the parents. In spite of all efforts this decision is the kids and kids alone and not even an ad on their geometry test can change that.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Multi Touch for kids is an introduction of brand new technology for kids it is a learning touch pad that allows kids to interact with the web and computers in a totally different way. I really think the kids will like this and I am sure it will keep them more interested in learning. With all the features it includes it will be very progressive to start having them in schools. Many people are excited to get to this next level of learning and I ultimately think that is the key is education. Finally it is moving forward into the present day and will create so many opportunities as time goes on. But the very best thing about these is they are keeping the classroom involved by having traditional classroom layouts on the software. So my question to you is could the creation of this device change classroom technology forever?
PLN 10
A 15-year-old girl has been found safe at the Hoover Dam today, and the man with her was arrested. This can be a very scary thought for many parents to have their child taken away but is it different when the run? Kanyon Nicely was with Travis Farmer at the Hoover Dam I suspect they ran away together because there was no sign of a kidnapping and according to police they had a” relationship”. Las Vegas TV stations reported that Hoover Dam police ran the plates of the car Farmer was driving and found it was stolen. It turned out to be the second stolen vehicle. So this girls “kidnapping” must have been her choice and she should be punished as well. Police said Farmer left a note at his sister's home saying he was afraid to return to prison in a separate case. How and why did he choose her they had nothing that would state they new each other but in the end I do not think this is a kidnapping. So my question to you is if you are willingly kidnapped should you be penalized?
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Music…. Everyone listens to some form of music at some time in their regular day. Weather it’s at the coffee shop on the way to work, at work, or on the way home on the radio. Music is a huge part of peoples lives. If you are a song writer why not use your music to spread love or happiness or peace. Mark Johnson decided he would like to spread the peace through his music. It is great that people are trying new things like that especially for a good cause. It is a great way to learn new things or just easy listening for an afternoon music is the one thing you can count on to not only be just an inspirational song but one that wants to make you go spread the peace that so few of us see any more. So in a world like ours with foreign affairs and war going on it’s nice to know there is an escape from anger and hatred. We seem to hear a lot of songs about hatred and violence and that is nothing like what we want to be in the real world. So I hope that more song writers will take peace through music into consideration and morph their style of song into some that may just change the world one day.
We hear of crime happening every day, on the news, from a friend, from a newspaper. But we say o that could never happen to someone like me. But the reality is it can, I was moved by this article about a 12 year old girls assault. Not only did I stop at this article because it was something I wanted to write about, but because I am around her age and a female. That is a scary thought knowing there are people around who are capable of harming you. I am not saying this to you to scare you I’m saying it because it’s true. Most of us just try to run from that situation by not listening to it or not reading it but you cant run from it forever, it can be hard to talk about or read but it is better for us to know what is happening all around us. The biggest thing here is we just need to be aware even if we don’t want to be. I am not here to inform you of where and when this girl was attacked but more to give you a wake up call about what is happening and to give you a heads up that sometimes you may even be able to help. But you can only help if you know so go out and get informed!!
“The Less you share the less power you have”, how can this be so? When you type in a search for lesson plans it comes up with roughly 9 million hits, pretty amazing right. We should be bringing this kind of thing into the class rooms and share this with our youth. But as educators are asked to most the Idea seems problematic. There is no real shift going on towards exposing them to the technology that we see fit. No matter how nice the technology teaching is still an extremely isolated profession and in some senses that is a good thing, but in others it can lose focus of the child and they can become distracted or bored. We need to start expanding not only our own knowledge but pass that knowledge on to our students. This is carried far beyond schools and education now it is a foreign affair and to connect to different cultures is vital in this day and age. Although, it is not just Americans who are refusing the internet all countries are being cautious of what they reveal on the internet. They may fear the Internet creates a potential for abuse that they can’t fight alone. However, the problem is “the less you share, the less power you have” and by secluding themselves they are seen as easy targets for other things. The important thing here is that you need to stand up and not fear what may happen. Because if you don’t you will be venerable, so “the less you share the less power you have”.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Blame is a funny thing, it is usually used to cover up something you have done but don’t want to take the fall for. We are all so quick to blame other people that we lose sight of fixing our mistakes. A man named Will Richardson sat down with a high school principal and had a long conversation. He was so quick to blame the parents and not to think about his own staff or learning objectives. So everyone loves to blame others and just throw away their own mistakes but it usually comes back to bite you and then it is worse then when you started. We can all learn a lesson when we blame other people.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Man holds hosatge in Denver apartment
By Joey Bunch
A carjacking suspect is holding at least one hostage in a Denver apartment tonight after a high-speed chase.
As he fled, he fired at least one shot at pursuing police officers.
He took members of a family that were unknown to him hostage, Saunier said. Saunier said the suspect is wanted in a series of carjackings and other crimes.
"There's been a lot of time and effort put into these crimes by this suspect" Saunier said.
Essay: REDO!!!!!
In the article “Man Holds Hostage in Denver Apartment” By Joey Bunch, what matters to the suspect who at this time is not identified or named is car jacking and just being a criminal this is what we’ve heard from Lt. Ron Saunier. He is holding at least one hostage in a Denver apartment as I tell you this news. This is something that is out of the ordinary, usually the criminal wants something for the hostage. He didn't want anything. He has done this carjacking before and so he may be mentally disturbed and committing crimes makes him feel better. This can be true with many people doing things out of the ordinary to get attention. At this point all it is, is an educated guess by the police. But they can confirm that “There’s been a lot of time and effort put into these crimes by this suspect”.
Man holds hosatge in Denver apartment
By Joey Bunch
A carjacking suspect is holding at least one hostage in a Denver apartment tonight after a high-speed chase.
As he fled, he fired at least one shot at pursuing police officers.
He took members of a family that were unknown to him hostage, Saunier said. Saunier said the suspect is wanted in a series of carjackings and other crimes.
"There's been a lot of time and effort put into these crimes by this suspect" Saunier said.
Essay: REDO!!!!!
In the article “Man Holds Hostage in Denver Apartment” By Joey Bunch, what matters to the suspect who at this time is not identified or named is car jacking and just being a criminal this is what we’ve heard from Lt. Ron Saunier. He is holding at least one hostage in a Denver apartment as I tell you this news. This is something that is out of the ordinary, usually the criminal wants something for the hostage. He didn't want anything. He has done this carjacking before and so he may be mentally disturbed and committing crimes makes him feel better. This can be true with many people doing things out of the ordinary to get attention. At this point all it is, is an educated guess by the police. But they can confirm that “There’s been a lot of time and effort put into these crimes by this suspect”.
“Fort Carson solider Charged with Murder” Kirk Mitchell wrote about how far people are willing to go to prove themselves. Robert Hull Marko, 21, was charged with 19 felony counts including first degree murder. I think we all have something to hide or something we want to be and we use things like the internet to build up our self esteem. Marko used Myspace as a mask to his weaknesses and he made himself someone who was feared and was exceptionally tough. I hide from my problems a lot as does everyone and eventually we face it and deal with it but Robert waited and hid so long he couldn’t just face it he needed to become the person he was on the internet. He became a Fort Carson solider to be able to fight people and be able to be violent. In the end he only ended up hurting himself and the victims who felt his rage. I think this is a good lesson for everyone to not hide behind something your not and you need to face things with a positive attitude.
“Fort Carson solider Charged with Murder” Kirk Mitchell wrote about how far people are willing to go to prove themselves. Robert Hull Marko, 21, was charged with 19 felony counts including first degree murder. I think we all have something to hide or something we want to be and we use things like the internet to build up our self esteem. Marko used Myspace as a mask to his weaknesses and he made himself someone who was feared and was exceptionally tough. I hide from my problems a lot as does everyone and eventually we face it and deal with it but Robert waited and hid so long he couldn’t just face it he needed to become the person he was on the internet. He became a Fort Carson solider to be able to fight people and be able to be violent. In the end he only ended up hurting himself and the victims who felt his rage. I think this is a good lesson for everyone to not hide behind something your not and you need to face things with a positive attitude.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
In the article “Hurt Climber Found” By Kieran Nicholson, We learn that the fight for your life is a huge test of tolerance and strength. When Michael Welch of Ireland,fell almost 40 feet while climbing with some friends in Black Canyon. When we hear about these stories we think how much we second guess life. We seem to think things that are so small are the most important thing. When Welch fell I bet the only thing important anymore was staying alive and staying alive in a situation like that is not as easy as it sounds. I can’t even imagine what the two climbers who were with him were thinking. That is so much pressure to know someone is dying below you and you need to do something. So what we need to think about is that life is something you can never take for granted and we need to make smart decisions about what is going to keep us safe.
In the article “Hurt Climber Found” By Kieran Nicholson, We learn that the fight for your life is a huge test of tolerance and strength. When Michael Welch of Ireland,fell almost 40 feet while climbing with some friends in Black Canyon. When we hear about these stories we think how much we second guess life. We seem to think things that are so small are the most important thing. When Welch fell I bet the only thing important anymore was staying alive and staying alive in a situation like that is not as easy as it sounds. I can’t even imagine what the two climbers who were with him were thinking. That is so much pressure to know someone is dying below you and you need to do something. So what we need to think about is that life is something you can never take for granted and we need to make smart decisions about what is going to keep us safe.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Sue Lindsay's article "Denver Cop pleads guilty in beating teen" Is a scary reminder that humans are not even near perfect but this does not give Charles Porter a right to attack 16 year old Juan Vasquez. Charles Porter got what he deserved being charged with a first degree assault. This is not something to be overlooked we need to analyze how we are put in danger even by the people you would least expect. It hits me hard to know that someone who is supposed to keep us safe and enforce the law is willing to break it for a situation that could be handled much more maturely. Porter went over to the kids who were drinking and as he approached Juan ran off as any teen in trouble would but where it gets out of hand is that when he caught Juan instead of arresting him he decided to beat him. What matters to me is feeling safe and knowing that I can see a cop as a good guy not someone to be afraid of.
Sue Lindsay's article "Denver Cop pleads guilty in beating teen" Is a scary reminder that humans are not even near perfect but this does not give Charles Porter a right to attack 16 year old Juan Vasquez. Charles Porter got what he deserved being charged with a first degree assault. This is not something to be overlooked we need to analyze how we are put in danger even by the people you would least expect. It hits me hard to know that someone who is supposed to keep us safe and enforce the law is willing to break it for a situation that could be handled much more maturely. Porter went over to the kids who were drinking and as he approached Juan ran off as any teen in trouble would but where it gets out of hand is that when he caught Juan instead of arresting him he decided to beat him. What matters to me is feeling safe and knowing that I can see a cop as a good guy not someone to be afraid of.
Notes: 1 of 8 couples in the U.S met online
the # of text messages sent everyday exceeds the world population
21 year olds have talked on the phone for 10,000 hours
“Did you know?”
In Carl Fisch’s “Did you know?” what matters is we need to realize that we have underestimated what the world can comprehend and do. First, 2006 college graduates out of the U.S, India, and China we had the least amount of college graduates (1.3 million) and china had the most (3.3 million). We think the rest of the world has no good learning techniques but they seem to be doing more than we do like all the college graduates in India speak fluent English. But I think what matters the most is that we have become so attached to technology that we have become extremely lazy. Like Americas 21 year olds have talked on the phone for at least 10,000 hours, and the number of text messages sent every day exceeds the population. And what has come most striking to me is that 1 of 8 couples in the U.S today met online. And for the computer to get 50 million users/ fans only took 4 years. So for the most part what matters in the video “Did you know” is we need to become less dependent on technology or at least realize how it is affecting us. Also we cannot underestimate the rest of the world because soon enough they may just pass us up.
the # of text messages sent everyday exceeds the world population
21 year olds have talked on the phone for 10,000 hours
“Did you know?”
In Carl Fisch’s “Did you know?” what matters is we need to realize that we have underestimated what the world can comprehend and do. First, 2006 college graduates out of the U.S, India, and China we had the least amount of college graduates (1.3 million) and china had the most (3.3 million). We think the rest of the world has no good learning techniques but they seem to be doing more than we do like all the college graduates in India speak fluent English. But I think what matters the most is that we have become so attached to technology that we have become extremely lazy. Like Americas 21 year olds have talked on the phone for at least 10,000 hours, and the number of text messages sent every day exceeds the population. And what has come most striking to me is that 1 of 8 couples in the U.S today met online. And for the computer to get 50 million users/ fans only took 4 years. So for the most part what matters in the video “Did you know” is we need to become less dependent on technology or at least realize how it is affecting us. Also we cannot underestimate the rest of the world because soon enough they may just pass us up.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
machines are using us!
Reagans Machines are using us…
In Michael Wesch’s “Machines Are Using Us” what matters is tecnology and how we are relieing on it by this time and that we have altered the definition of lazieness by not doing anything by ourselves anymore. Evidince to suppourt this is that over a billion people click on a website everyday and are typing in things every half a second. Also we have relied on typing so much that it is making hand writing not only harder but much much sloppier . and it seems to be consuming our time if there is a blog born every half a second! Not to mention now we can share photos and videos on the web any time we want it is such a complex matter what is not to love about this? It organizes data it makes leniar writing and can do free formatting constraints what is not to love. Well let me ask you is it the machine or is it you? Or is it really helping us or just desroying us?
Notes: Michal Wesch digital text is better it can do more free formatting constraints. there is a blog born every half a scond organization of billion times per day a web page is clicked text is leniar on a computer digital text is above all strutural elements form and content can be seperated. viedieo and photos shared we are the web?rethink machine internet texting electronics search engines cell phones laptops email aim websites
In Michael Wesch’s “Machines Are Using Us” what matters is tecnology and how we are relieing on it by this time and that we have altered the definition of lazieness by not doing anything by ourselves anymore. Evidince to suppourt this is that over a billion people click on a website everyday and are typing in things every half a second. Also we have relied on typing so much that it is making hand writing not only harder but much much sloppier . and it seems to be consuming our time if there is a blog born every half a second! Not to mention now we can share photos and videos on the web any time we want it is such a complex matter what is not to love about this? It organizes data it makes leniar writing and can do free formatting constraints what is not to love. Well let me ask you is it the machine or is it you? Or is it really helping us or just desroying us?
Notes: Michal Wesch digital text is better it can do more free formatting constraints. there is a blog born every half a scond organization of billion times per day a web page is clicked text is leniar on a computer digital text is above all strutural elements form and content can be seperated. viedieo and photos shared we are the web?rethink machine internet texting electronics search engines cell phones laptops email aim websites
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

There are a lot of things that matter to me but I only put the most important that way you can see what I am all about!
First is my horse Chloe she means everything to me she is a dark bay thoroughbred warm blood mix and she’s adorable. Currently she is the third best jumper in the state and I’m the third best rider in the state. She means a lot to me and is the prettiest horse ever!
Moving on to my family well I have 5 brothers 4 are god brothers but we practically do everything together so there is Caleb [6] Cody [10] Corey [12] Cooper [12] and Kyle [18]
And I always have a lot of fun! And my parents are great and are always supporting me in everything.
I also play volley ball and I love it I play for Arapahoe currently and hope to for years to come.
I am an amazing jet skier it is one of the fun nest things I have ever done and I got my jet ski license and so I can drive by myself and I love going fast it really is wonderful.
We went to Québec in February and it is my favorite place in the entire world in is just so beautiful there and it gets over looked but I think everyone should go there some time the reason we went is my brother went to the biggest pee wee hockey tournament in the world and the Colorado avalanche sponsored us to go and play as the avalanche!
I have a yellow lab named mason and he is the fattest dog ever! I got him as a Christmas present a while ago and he’s a pretty cool dog!
My best friend Marissa unfortunately doesn’t go to this school but she is the coolest person ever she is so crazy and very hyper we always have so much fun when were together!!!
Well now you know what is important to me and I hoped you liked my pictures!!!
First is my horse Chloe she means everything to me she is a dark bay thoroughbred warm blood mix and she’s adorable. Currently she is the third best jumper in the state and I’m the third best rider in the state. She means a lot to me and is the prettiest horse ever!
Moving on to my family well I have 5 brothers 4 are god brothers but we practically do everything together so there is Caleb [6] Cody [10] Corey [12] Cooper [12] and Kyle [18]
And I always have a lot of fun! And my parents are great and are always supporting me in everything.
I also play volley ball and I love it I play for Arapahoe currently and hope to for years to come.
I am an amazing jet skier it is one of the fun nest things I have ever done and I got my jet ski license and so I can drive by myself and I love going fast it really is wonderful.
We went to Québec in February and it is my favorite place in the entire world in is just so beautiful there and it gets over looked but I think everyone should go there some time the reason we went is my brother went to the biggest pee wee hockey tournament in the world and the Colorado avalanche sponsored us to go and play as the avalanche!
I have a yellow lab named mason and he is the fattest dog ever! I got him as a Christmas present a while ago and he’s a pretty cool dog!
My best friend Marissa unfortunately doesn’t go to this school but she is the coolest person ever she is so crazy and very hyper we always have so much fun when were together!!!
Well now you know what is important to me and I hoped you liked my pictures!!!
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