Monday, December 15, 2008


Do you ever think about who you want to spend the rest of your life with? What if I could tell you that you’re DNA could tell you everything you need to know about finding that special someone. Would you do it? Are we that desperate for companionship that we need a doctor to tell us what we should look for in a spouse based on what our DNA says? Well some couples think so they did a test on three couples that have all been together over a year and only two were compatible does that mean that the third couple should split? Well taking these tests could change your love life because that third couple broke up shortly after the test but wouldn’t have if they had been genetically compatible. So unless you really want to have the chance of being non compatible with your husband or wife and just sharing the love you share steer clear of these tests. On the other hand if you are looking to find someone who's DNA is compatible to yours go for it!

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